Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Spicy Thai-m

Um, don't ask me to make something and expect it not to be spicy.

I am addicted to chili flakes, hot sauce, and peppers.  Anything, you name it. I'll eat it if it's hot. Don't give me mild, kinda-hot, give me HOT.

Funny story: The Dutch don't eat spicy. It's just not part of the cuisine.  When I was in the Netherlands, my girlfriends and I decided to head to a local Thai restaurant in the town square that we had never been to.  The choices were level 1 mild, level 2 spicy, level 3 damn hot. I looked in the kitchen and it was a small Thai lady cooking. I judge the level of spicy by who is cooking. She looked straight-Thai-local so I stuck to level 2. Good choice. I was fine, perfect amount of hot.  Didn't make me sweat but it sure made my Dutch friend sweat at level 1. She even order a glass of melk. But whatever, that's the joys of traveling. Food and culture.

When I was in Thailand, I brought home spices. Chili spices. Oh yes. Party in my mouth.

I bought a red curry paste that they sell by weight at the supermarket. Kind of like a Super Target but imagine everything in Thai. It was 17 baht. I have no idea what that translates to except for f-n cheap.

My mother tells me "I want Thai curry.  Go make some" "Yes mother (smile)"

I heat the oil and add some paste... I think it needs a little more... maaaybe a little more. Whoops. My bad. Too spicy for the people in my house except me. HAHA.  My mothers solution, a WHOLE can of Coconut Cream. Not milk. Cream. Oh maan. It made it sweeter, still good except it wasn't spicy anymore. Uber sad face. Whatever, I ended up doing the same thing again the second time around. I will never learn.

So here is a picture of my Pumpkin Red Curry.

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